8u Birmingham Giants Bring Home First from Mississippi

The Birmingham Giants 8u Softball team traveled to Fulton Mississippi to play in a tournament on saturday, and returned with a perfect...

10u Birmingham Giants-Bailey bring Home Championship in first Tournament of the Spring

Playing in their first ever tournament on saturday in Thorsby, the Birmingham Giants 10u-Bailey rolled off 5 straight wins on their way...

Birmingham Giants Rickwood Week Begins

The Birmingham Giants are preparing to play at the oldest, continually operated field in America this weekend against CABA. The first game is at...

The Chase to 500

Birmingham Giants and Allstar Intros team up

The long time voice of Turner Field /MLB Announcer, Casey Motter and Allstar intros have teamed up with the Birmingham Giants organization.  The partnership will...

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14u Birmingham Giants Bring home Championship

Playing in Lincoln on saturday, the Birmingham Giants 14u rolled off 4 straight wins to bring home the Title. In game...

13u Birmingham Giants Finish First

The 13u Birmingham Giants, playing in the 14u Division rolled off 4 straight wins to capture the championship in St Clair. In...
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