03 Birmingham Giants sweep double header as Glaze turns in Giant day

Playing in their first ever scrimmage games on Saturday, the 03 Birmingham Giants took both end of the double header from the Red Storm...

5-17 Birmingham Lady Giants Schedule revised

5/17/2014 9:00 AM Liberty 7 Birmingham Lady Giants VS. CLEATS 02 5/17/2014 1:30 PM Liberty 7  Birmingham Lady Giants VS. G Crush 12U

10u Birmingham Giants-Bailey bring Home Championship in first Tournament of the Spring

Playing in their first ever tournament on saturday in Thorsby, the Birmingham Giants 10u-Bailey rolled off 5 straight wins on their way...

Freeman goes deep as Birmingham Lady Giants fall to eliminators

In their second tournament in 2014 the Birmingham Lady Giants finished a disappointing 1-2. After losing early to the Columbus peaches, 6-2, allowing 5...

Birmingham Giants Highlights from the 2014 Season

With the close of the 2014 season, here are a few highlights from the Giants season Teams 1. 12  Tournament Trophies (7 First Place Wins) 2. 84-66-7...

10u Birmingham Giants Carroll finish 2nd

Playing in their 2nd to last tournament of the Summer, the Birmingham Giants 10u Carroll posted a 3-1 mark, moving their season...

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14u Birmingham Giants Bring home Championship

Playing in Lincoln on saturday, the Birmingham Giants 14u rolled off 4 straight wins to bring home the Title. In game...

13u Birmingham Giants Finish First

The 13u Birmingham Giants, playing in the 14u Division rolled off 4 straight wins to capture the championship in St Clair. In...
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