Softball Fielding Tips – Developing a Middle Infielder


This article will address the defensive fundamentals for the middle infielders in the sport of Fastpitch softball. It does not matter what level an athlete reaches, she must concentrate on proper execution of these basic skills. The athlete who continually works on improving defensive fundamentals is the one who can build on her performance to reach new levels of success.

Before discussing the physical aspects, it is appropriate to first establish the mental attitude. Every great ballplayer possesses the confidence in herself to keep reaching for a level of performance never achieved. As an infielder, this attitude is to get front of every ground ball and to move quickly. These concepts should be a permanent part of your thought process whether it be during practice or a game. If your mind is prepared to play, then your body will simply react. It is then that physical skills can be performed at their optimal level.

The essential equipment for defense naturally are your glove and cleats. As my first coach always said, “be good to your glove and it will be good to you!” One’s glove should be shorter in length than outfielder’s because as you will see later the ground ball is mostly fielded in the palm area of the glove and not in the webbing. It should also fit your hand snugly. If you have small hands or simply would like better control of the glove, place the fourth and fifth fingers in the last finger slot. The suggestion for cleats is to wear a pair that fit comfortably, and even more importantly, the pair you run fastest in!

An important phase of fielding is the “ready position.” Actually, it is probably the most important fundamental to establish in your game. The ready position is the time when you are mentally prepared for any situation that can arise and physically set to react both efficiently and effectively. When we first begin playing the sport, we hear a familiar voice coming from the dugout, “Every one get in the ready position; gloves on the ground.” I want to emphasize as middle infielders NOT to put your glove on the ground. The ready position should be one that allows you the freedom of quick and efficient movements.

This is accomplished by being positioned at the level in which you run. If you have to lift your glove off the ground then that will be your first movement instead of one towards the ball. As a rule, the closer your playing position is to home plate the closer your glove is to the ground. In the ready position keep your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, knees comfortably bent, and slightly off the heels. It is extremely important that you play the sport on the balls of your feet. This will improve your range and performance tremendously. The arms should hand comfortably with the elbows slightly bent. READ MORE