Birmingham Giants 9u Baseball brings home 2nd


Playing in chelsea, the Birmingham Giants battled their way to a 2nd place finish in the two day Chelsea tournament. In their first game of pool play, Kip Nash allowed just 2 hits over 3 2/3rds innings and Caiden Humbert closed out the final out of the game to preserve the 3-2 win. At the plat the Giants offense received hits from Caleb Syx (1), Jaxon Hestla (1) Caleb Lafoy (3B) and Crimson Fuller (1) in the 3-2 victory. In their second game of pool play, the Giants offense had hits from Caius Howell (1), Caiden Humbert (1), Cayden Knight (1), Crimson Fuller (1), Kip Nash (1), and Ellis Coleman (1) but it was not enough as the Giants fell 11-5.

Entering bracket play, the Giants face off with the North Alabama Stars. In a game that was not close the Giants scored 12 runs in the first 2 innings, enroute to a 13-1 win. Caiden Humbert allowed just 1 hit over 3 innings while striking out 4, and Caleb Syx (2), Cayden Knight (2B), Caleb Lafoy (3B) and Ellis Coleman (3B) all had hits in the win that moved the Giants into the finals. In the finals Caleb Syx (2), Caiden Humbert (2), Jaxon Hestla (1), Kason Nevitt (1), Crimson Fuller (2), and Kip Nash (1) all had hits but 7 unearned runs did the Giants in as they finished 2nd.